Tuesday, May 27, 2008


crying tears by ME back in 05 on may the 27th

I've been doing way to much at once, i simply cant handle it all -and i cant be someone I'm clearly not. All i want to do is paint naked with my Afro out-burn candles and drink tea. I want to run free and laugh. I want to feel loved and give love that is respected! Ive been doing so much I forgot who i was. Ive let somethings in life hold me back- and i cant afford to be afraid to hurt people, or even care what peoples motives are. I have a pure heart and people seem to walk over it- and that's fine. I'm doing Gods work and i refuse to change my good ways for bad minded people.

Im taking time off.


KMarz said...

the talk today was great and your mind will be as free as you want it to be.. some time off will clear things up uno.

Zay The Gr3at said...

you've always been a deep individual Tiff...i always enjoy readn what you have to say..

Zay The Gr3at said...

you've always been a deep individual Tiff...i always enjoy readn what you have to say..

Marley the Martian said...

u always seem to put the rigght words in the right order. damn tiff.. you be touching the soul. Ill cry with you mama.. b.ez

Zay The Gr3at said...

Btw..how'd u get that banner, help me with 1!

Zay The Gr3at said...

Btw..how'd u get that banner, help me with 1!

Taryn said...

I want to do the same thing, I just prefer to drink root beer over tea lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh this posts kinda coincides with how I feel right now!!

Things will get better for you
(and hopefully me)dear.