I sit here- and i think, still in my skin. Open in thought, I replay over and over
everything that ever happened. Over and over- what was said and how I let something
get to me- which still meant nothing. Over and over- how I fall and jump into the
Only with you- could care less where we would go, as long as there is an
us. It doesn't matter I'm so down- call me after forever and I'm ready to jump back on it-
pick up where we left off, move forward.
Than something happens- i think back on the pass.. and feel the pain. open my journal
to rethink this- and i decide its not worth it.
I'm beautiful.
I'm pure.
I'm strong- no longer in need of your direction anymore.
my mind is so much stronger, wiser- expanded so wide. I'm always open for
improvement because there is no such thing as not growing.
knowledge and self love is unlimited.
So i keep my feelings inside-
I wasn't asked for my love to be shared- rebuilt or borrowed.
I've over looked it all- I was way in over my head.
yet i know who you are, and how you are..
Actions speak louder than words- and for this to go down shows boldly whats on your mind.
But for the simple fact nothing was verbally said to me- i will carry on with my future days.
I'll be your someone genuine,
(possessing the claimed or attributed character, quality, or origin; not counterfeit; authentic; real:
free from pretense, affectation, or hypocrisy; sincere: a genuine person.
true, unaffected, open, honest, forthright.)
free from pretense, affectation, or hypocrisy; sincere: a genuine person.
true, unaffected, open, honest, forthright.)
which is what you've asked for.
I'll be here to help calm your nerves- be your listening ear, and give
my in sight on anything you reflect. See this is love-
Real Love. Pure Love.
So real you let them slip away- carry on with what they are in need of and cast them forever out your brain. Never turn back to or take back simply because of this new found self respect.
One day- when you realize. Your gonna wish you didn't make me turn into this.
The same thing you forced me to fix- will be the same reason you can never return to this-
love this, touch this- do this, hold this- own this.
Never ever again.
BY: Thee OHmy
Someone told me that the art Basel was coming- I completely forgot what December brings! It's like the sneaker pimp for the canvas artist! Every one's art will be featured and up for sale. Art buyers will be dishing out big money for master pieces- and plenty of parties! Parties for the lovers of life. =]
hopefully I'll see you there.